Title: Fuselage bulkheads
This entry constitutes several short work sessions over the last 4 days. Finished all the fuselage bulkheads aft of F-705 My new seat belt brackets came in the mail yesterday. Went ahead and match drilled them, trimmed where needed, and then primed the raw edges. Today I assembled the F-705 bulkhead. No surprises, but if anybody reads this, I'd encourage you to read and re-read the print, because there are a ton of different rivets, and multiple places where you have to do stuff in a certain order. There are also parts on the tip-up that get omitted on the slider and rivets that get shot on the slider that get left til later on the tip-up. Lots of places that don't get rivets until a later step as well. On the flap bearing blocks, there is a note on that says drill these to #10, but I had a #11 reamer so I used that it everything fits nice and tight. The print gives you dimension for the first hole in each block, so I drilled it in my drill press, then mounted it and located the second hole, then took it back off and finished the second hole on the drill press as well. I think if you tried to drill these by hand the chance of drilling it crooked would be extremely high. The bearing blocks were in the bag with the flap actuator, and there were also a few chunks of angle. turns out that was exactly the right thickness to use as a spacer and make sure the block was square to the Frame for locating the second hole. The next step is to bend the longerons. I have a set of buller dies, but want to practice on some scrap before I try it on the actual longerons. So, I went to the Yard this afternoon and bought some sticks of appropriate angle to practice on. We're leaving for a long weekend tomorrow so I'll likely leave this until next week.

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