Title: match drilled bottom skin overlap
I started the day by fabricating a new version of the fuselage side fuel tank bracket and match drilling it to the wing tank side. The ears and slot are located 1/4" further outboard to better align with the pilot hole that was previously drilled in the tank side tab. primed and set aside to dry. Match drilled the lower center skin to lower inboard wing skin interface. This is the area where Van's instructions have you draw sharpie marks and extend them vi triangulation and measurement and then just poke a hole and hope for the best, because you're drilling up through the blank center fuselage skin hoping to hit the hole above it in the wing. This has always seemed like a process of last resort. I was able to get all these with a strap duplicator except the furthest fwd one on both sides because the fuselage stand was in the way. For that one, I just drilled down from the top with a 12" long #40 bit while looking at the reflection in the fuselage side skin. ezee peezee. NOTE- you also have to match drill a hole in top & bottom behind the aft spar. It would be easy to miss the one on the bottom, because there isn't a note or callout or anything, but it' depicted on drawing 38. On the lower side, you are left to your own devices to figure out best placement. I've shown in one of the pictures below where I ended up and I think it will work well in that location. On the upper side, you just match drill to the inboard faring, but the aft hole takes a 1 leg nutplate due to interference with the aft end of the wing walk doubler. I measured this very carefully because if that wing walk doubler comes to far aft then even 1 leg nutplate could have some interference, but on both sides it looks like it will work out as intended. I still need to match drill the upper side of that fairing for countersunk screws and to the tanks as well but at least on the tanks I'm going to have to wait until I get it off the fuselage stand because it conflicts with the lower end of the fairing where it fastened to a tank attach screw on the bottom at the main spar. I finished the day by hanging the flaps and ailerons back on because I'm going to work on the flap pushrods before I take the wings off to send to the hangar.

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