Title: Back after a long break
After a long break to transition to a new job and a new schedule, I am finally finding some regular time to work on the build. I left the project off by disassembling the entire right side HS and storing the parts in the basement. As much as I would have liked to get right back to it after starting the new job, there was just no time. Now the heat of the summer has faded, our son is back in school and my time has freed up which means I can start to make steady progress once again. The project was left literally in pieces, specifically the right sides HS parts all disassembled and stored. On my build radar for a while now have been the left and right hand side horizontal stab skins. Those needed to be deburred, cleaned, dimpled and prepped for primer. Sounds easy enough but it's a time consuming process. So that seemed a logical place to pick things back up and get going again. I've spent the past week prepping both skins for their interior coat of primer. That involved deburring each hole, inside and out, scuffing the interior, cleaning, dimpling each hole, scuffing and cleaning some more and finally priming the interior of each skin. Nothing too challenging here although I did get to use my pop rivet dimple set for the first time to dimple the front two holes of the middle row of each skin. Again YouTube is invaluable for when you need guidance on how to use a specific tool or how to perform a specific task. Thank you to the folks at Cleveland Aircraft Tool once again for demo'ing their tools on YouTube to help builders. With all the scuffing done, edge prep done, holes drilled and deburred, last step was to scuff (did I mention how much I hate this part...) then initial cleaning with de-natured alcohol, then dimple, then final clean with acetone. That's my process, match drill, debur, scuff, dimple, paint, final assembly. Seems to work best that way. It can be more challenging to dimple before you scuff. Those little raised ridges will tear the Scotchbrite pads apart. It was good to get back into the paint booth and get some parts primed.

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