Title: More work on the VS
Couple different evenings worth of work on the VS. Nothing too exciting, prepping the ribs by edge deburring, fluting and making sure the flanges are perpendicular. I actually did most of that indoors in our kitchen as it's still really cold outside these days and the garage at best only gets heated to the mid 50's for temp. My method for fluting involves using a piece of dental floss stretched from one end of a rib to the other through the first and last holes to check the alignment of the holes. I flute each side until the holes line up with each other guaranteeing a straight rib. With the ribs done I was able to assemble the internal structure for some initial match drilling of all the #30 holes on the rib structure, front and rear spars. Again nothing too exciting and I finished the night by retrieving the VS skin from my parts rack in the basement and started removing the vinyl backing. This evening I started by removing strips of vinyl from the outside of the skin using the wood burning etcher tool that I made for this purpose. Between that and a straight edge I get some eye pleasing cutout lines to work on the skin while still protecting the majority of it. With that done I began the process of cleco'ing the skin to the internal structure. There are lots of holes to fill and it didn't fit great in certain places and took quite a bit of adjusting to get the holes to line up. I spent probably 30 minutes adding clecos and trying to get everything to line up. I got most of the way but the top portion of the skin (top of the tail) the holes just are not aligning easily so I decided to stop there for the night and continue later on. I will remove all of the clecos so that I can rework the two spars as their flanges do not sit perpendicular in a few places which is what's causing the alignment issues I am dealing with this evening. I'm dragging my feet a little bit waiting on the outside temps to warm up a bit. Next week we're supposed to have a few days in the mid 40's outside which is 20+ degrees warmer than what we've had lately. I'd like to time it so that I'm ready to prime the parts on those few days which should be doable. We'll see.

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