Title: The curse of the early fuselage kit
When Van's introduced the RV-12iS, I was one of the first to get a fuselage kit as I already had an order in for the RV-12 fuse kit when the announcement came. Van's had not yet provided an RV-12iS avionics kit. When it developed that kit, owners of early fuselage parts were now faced with enlarging certain holes for snap bushings and the like. The problem, obviously, wiring runs occur in hidden and small spaces that are impossible to get to by the you reach Section 42. So much stuff is already installed. That hit me in this work section. The instructions call for holes to be enlarged "if required" which is Van's speak for "if you have an early version of the fuselage kit. The first called for a 3/8" hole to be drilled in the left and right F-0124F-X-1. No way that could happen with the fuel tank in the way so I had to unhook everything and pull that out (again: good thing the tail cone isn't attached). But then the next problem hit. You can't really get a straight-in shot at that hole because the side skins curve back toward center. I was able to get "sort of" a straight hole on both sides but it wasn't pretty and I'm not happy with that. The instructions call for a 5/16" hole in F-01204B-R/L-1 and there's no way. You've only got about 4" of room in the slot for both wing spars so even a right angle drill (the one I have) with a chuck for a step drill won't work. I'm researching ideas on VAF and Facebook and it looks like a hex-step drill and a flexible attachment might work. It sucks to spend maybe $60 to drill two holes but that's probably what I'll have to do. In the meantime the project is paused while I come up with a solution. The good news is I was able to open up the hole for the bushing in F-01205B-1 without too much interference from the rollbar. And with the fuel tank out of the way, I was able to tighten the ELT antenna nut. Increasingly, it's looking like I won't get to the canopy this summer. I also talked to Kevin and Eric at Van's and they're sending me the two missing snap bushings for the hole at the bottom of both control sticks.

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