Title: Skirt rail fairing rebuild; Skirt profile work; Canopy attach holes
1. Sanded yesterday's application of flox/micro/cabosil mixture to the canopy skirt's rail fairing, then added more of it. This will be sanded and (hopefully) final-profiled tomorrow. 2. Spent a considerable amount of time tweaking the edges of the skirt so the curves are smooth. I managed to sand the edges into some more aesthetically-pleasing shapes than before. 3. Filled two holes in the skirt that were previously going to be attach holes. 4. Opened up and smoothed six attach holes at the back of the canopy. 5. Used a PermaGrit countersink bit and a soldering iron to smooth all the remaining holes on the canopy. 6. Used a hand-held belt sander, followed by files and sandpaper, to shape the stock Vans canopy handle into something a little nicer than stock. I then packaged it up so it can be sent to the folks at Engravers.net, who will engrave it with the word "OPEN" and a downward arrow.

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