Title: Fairings under horizontal stabilizers
1. Popped the two fairings off the airplane and inspected them. They both look really great. 2. Did an initial trim of the fairings, just to get rid of the razor-sharp protrusions on the edges. 3. Removed the aluminum tape, modeling clay, and packing tape from the fuselage and tail. Cleaned off as many of the extraneous resin drips as I could. 4. Clecoed the top empennage fairing in place, then established a trim line for the lower fairings on the fuselage and tail, using thin-line striping tape. 5. Carefully laid down 7/8" masking tape over top of the striping tape, with the desired cut edges on the "inside" of the tape outlines. 6. Marked and trimmed the fairings just enough so the blue 7/8" tape protruded from under the edges of the fairings. 7. Established the three locations in each fairing where the attach screws will be. 8. Taped the fairings in position, then drilled the three screw holes through each fairing and into the fuselage and/or HS. Put a cleco in each hole. 9. With the fairings in place, I laid down another line of 7/8" masking tape over the existing line, establishing the desired cut lines on the fairing. 10. Used a fine-line Sharpie to trace along the edge of the tape, onto the fairings. 11. Removed the clecoes, tape and fairings. Trimmed and block-sanded the fairings very close to the lines. 12. Sanded the inside and outside surfaces of the fairings. 13. Cleaned the fairings, then used Super-Fil filler to perfect their outer surfaces. I may or may not decide to add two layups of carbon fiber to the fairings, just so I can use flat screws and finish washers to attach them.

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