Title: L and R wheel pant fitting
L wheel pant: 1. Peeled off yesterday's peel ply on the clearance blister and sanded the exterior of the blister. 2. Filed the inside lip of the clearance hole to maximize the size available for the brake housing and brake fluid bleed port. 3. Continued fitting the L pant by trimming small amounts from the sides and aft end of the tire hole. 4. Got the pant in position and checked its level and toe-in/out, just to make sure no more trimming would be needed. 5. Placed the lower gear-leg fairing pieces in place to check their fit against the gear leg and the wheel pant. I think they should be fairly usable, with some future sanding and persuading. R wheel pant: 1. Took measurements off the L pant and transferred them to the R one. 2. Opened up the tire hole and gear leg hole in the aft pant. 3. Put the aft pant in place and marked where I needed to cut the brake clearance hole. 4. Cut the brake clearance hole and filed it smooth. 5. Checked the fit. Marked location of some fiberglass buildups that will be needed for the inboard attach brackets to sit flush. 6. Roughed the bonding areas with 60-grit sandpaper and cleaned them with isopropyl alcohol. 7. Made a template of the brake hole and cut three layers of fiberglass. 8. Mixed up some resin and made a sandwich layup. Applied it over the hole, stippled it in place and pushed it up into a blister, just like on the L pant. Put peel-ply around the edges. 9. Created two 10-layer fiberglass shims on the inside of the pant where the aft attach bracket will be riveted.

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