Title: L and R wheel pants and fairings
L wheel pant: 1. Sanded yesterday's fairing filler on both forward and aft pants. 2. Test-fit the L wheel pant. 3. Added SuperFil filler along the edges of the previously-applied micro. Alost filled a few of the larger pinholes and divots I could find. R wheel pant: 1. Positioned, marked, drilled, and clecoed the fairings to the R wheel pant. 2. Marked the split line on the forward fairing, 3. Removed the forward fairing and trimmed it. 4. Replaced the forward fairing and used it to mark the split line onto the aft fairing. 5. Trimmed the aft fairing. 6. Clecoed both halves back onto the pant and made slight adjustments to the fit. 7. Marked the forward fairing for the location where I'll install a joggle tab, and where I'll apply some filler to build up the forward fairing to meet the aft one. 8. Fabricated an aluminum joggle tab. Bonded it onto the forward fairing with flox. 9. Applied SuperFil filler to build up a 1-1/2" section on the forward fairing so it meets the aft one.

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