Title: 10-09 - F-01411 Bulkhead Preparation
4/17/2021 – 2.0 hours I am working my way forward through the bulkheads for the aft fuselage, The F-01411 bulkhead assembly is very similar to the F-01412 assembly I just went through. There are two bulkhead parts that fit back-to-back, and two horizontal stabilizer attach bars that are riveted to the forward side of the bulkhead assembly. There are also lots of nooks and crannies between the tabs in the flanges, so I spent some quality deburring time today after final-drilling the #30 holes in the assembly. [#30 Drill, Deburring Tools] 4/18/2021 – 0.2 hours The plans say the bottom flanges of the bulkhead should be fluted as required to fit the Aft Bottom Skin. After a little prep work on the aft bottom skin (Section 10-15), I cleco'd the bulkheads in place to assess the fit. The fit was actually pretty good, but I did put a mild flute in the bottom flange of the forward bulkhead. The flute didn't appreciably improve the fit, and it looked like further fluting would actually degrade the fit. [Fluting Pliers] 4/19/2021 – 1.4 hours The F-01411A and F-01411B bulkheads were prepped for priming prior to dimpling the flanges following my standard process of washing / scuffing the parts with ScotchBrite pads and Dawn detergent. The parts will get a final rinse with the degreaser just prior to spraying the primer. I finished this stage by dimpling the #27 and #40 holes in the flanges except for the non-dimpled holes identified in the plans. [Maroon Scotch Brite Pad, Dawn Dish Detergent, 22” C-Frame and Hammer, Pneumatic Squeezer, 3/32” Dimple Die, #6 Screw Dimple Die] 4/20/2021 – 0.5 Actually priming parts goes pretty quickly after all of the prep work is complete. The final steps of my priming process are to do a final cleaning with the degreaser and then spray on the primer. It was a little breezy, but the temperature was nice and the primer went on reasonably well. I will let the primer dry overnight before completing the bulkhead assembly. [Dupli-Color Degreaser, Dupli-Color Self-Etching Automotive Primer (Green – Rattle Can)] 4/24/2021 – 1.3 hours This bulkhead subassembly includes the horizontal stabilizer attach bars, so it ends up being a fairly beefy structure by the time everything is together. It also means the rivets that attach the bars to the bulkhead are also pretty big. I get a little nervous with rivets half the size of the 30 rivets used here since it is very easy to tip and bend long rivets. I tried to mitigate that issue by clamping the squeezer to the bench and ensuring it was level. The riveting process was to hold the piece in the squeezer with small picture frame levels on the piece during squeezing to ensure everything remained straight. This process worked really well, and all 30 rivets went in really well. I can honestly say I have no concerns about future structural issues in this area! [Bench Vise, Pneumatic Squeezer, 2 1/2" Longeron Yoke, 1/8” Cupped Squeezer Set, Flat Squeezer Set]

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