Title: Assembling rib brackets
I got out the hand squeezer and set the rivets for a few of the brackets for the right wing tonight. I started with the two ribs that have flap hinge brackets attached to them using 16 rivets each through the web. These were all easily reachable with the "longeron yoke". Next, I assembled the pieces for the torque tube assembly, which included riveting a bearing that is sandwhiched between other pieces of the assembly. Once the assembly was together, I could rivet it to the rib itself using my hand squeezer. I seem to remember this part being difficult before, but that may have been because I didn't own this longeron yoke yet. Since I was on a roll with these brackets and already had the primed parts ready, I skipped ahead to the next section and started assembling the outboard aileron hinge bracket. I just had to countersink a few rivet holes to accommodate flush rivets, touch up the primer on the exposed countersinks, and then pressing a bearing into place with my vice and two wrench sockets as cups. Hand squeezing a few more rivets around the perimeter of this stack of bracket pieces. Next, I started looking at the parts for the inboard aileron hinge bracket (the one affected by the service bulletin). I started by deburring the edges of these bracket parts on the Scotch-brite wheel, and using the bandsaw to trim one corner of the angle aluminum to match the bracket edge. What's next? I need to finish a little more prep on the inboard aileron hinge bracket, like countersinking, scuffing, priming, and then riveting. I'll also probably start riveting these ribs to the spar soon.

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