Project: BuckRV-8     -     Entry

Dec 12, 2023 3.25 Windshield attach prep Category: Windshield
Did the final preparations for attaching the windshield bay applying a surface bonding pre-treatment:

1. Cleaned off another 1/4" of the existing glareshield primer, just to make sure there will be a sufficient bonding surface for the bottom edge of the windshield.
2. Masked off the new primer line with electrical tape and then masking tape. Masked off a bunch of additional areas to protect the rest of the airplane.
3. Scuffed the top skin with a 180 grit sponge sander, which is what the product instructions call for.
4. Cleaned the sanded skin with 99% isopropyl alcohol.
5. Abraded the skin with 80-grit sandpaper, then cleaned the skin with acetone. Let it dry thoroughly.
6. Mixed together the two parts of 3M AC-130-2 sol-gel pre-treatment, then capped it and waited the mandatory 30 minutes for it to activate.
7. Using a very smooth bristle brush, I applied the solution as directed, with two continuously-applied coats and without allowing the area to dry before adding more. (This stuff is really bad for you, so you should wear a VOC-proof canister-type mask if you value your life. I got a whiff of it after I removed my mask, and it smelled like someone threw an old-school sulphur stink-bomb into the dumpster behind a Taco Bell on a hot summer day.)
8. I let the area dry for 60 minutes, then removed the inboard line of electrical tape. The stuff will cure overnight, and tomorrow we'll be on to the fun stuff!

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