Project: mhlRV14A     -     Entry

Jun 27, 2022 1.5 17-01 - Outboard Leading Edge (Plans) Category: 17 Outer LE
The center section of the wings are safely secured on the rack, and the focus is now the outboard leading edges. There isn't any fuel tank work, yet (thankfully), but there are a number of things happening with the outboard leading edges including the stall warning assembly, a splice rib and strip, and landing light lenses. There are also several ribs to debur and a new set of J-Channels to prepare.

I reviewed the Van's Service Information and Revisions page for the RV-14
and noticed there is one revision for this section of the plans from early 2017. One of the changes is to use a shorter screw on the landing light lenses, and that change is captured in my printed plans. I'll read over that change notice again to make sure there isn't anything else of note, but it appears my plans and parts are up to date.

The plans for this section have a few new items/tasks to consider. First, the plans spend about a page on building leading edge cradles using the plywood cover from the wing kit delivery crate. I have access to some cradles from another RV-14 builder, so I'll only need to refurbish those with some new duct tape rather than create a new set. The next thing I noticed is the 2 inboard ribs in the assembly need some modifications to the aft flanges to fit over the doublers on the forward side of the main spar. A new structure introduce in this section is the Splice Rib and Splice Strip The splice strip is attached to the Wing Tank Skins, so I'll have to trim the splice strips off and then store the tank skins for the next section of the build.

The landing light areas have some new finishing instructions, “For those builders preferring a finish such as matte black or gloss white inside the landing light coves, now is the recommended time to apply finish paint” as well as instructions to trim the acrylic landing light lenses to the final shape and size. The lens trimming looks like it needs some detailed measurements, and I've ordered some plastic cutting discs for the Dremel for this step.

Another unique item to this step is building and installing the stall warning system. That doesn't look very difficult, but the fine-tuning at the end could get tricky. Finally, there is a note at the end of this section to leave a rivet out of the left skin for the pitot tube assembly. I plan to use an aftermarket pitot tube that will be located aft of the main spar, so I'll fill the rivet hole in the leading edge rather than leaving it open.

Time to get busy on the leading edges!

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