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Aug 23, 2022 7.7 17-09 - Landing Light Lenses Category: 17 Outer LE
Initial Prep (Debur, Trim, Drill, and Cut)
8/20/22 – 2.0h
8/21/22 – 2.7h
8/23/22 – 0.7h
I decided to prepare the landing light lenses before attaching the leading edges to the wing. The leading edges are much easier to maneuver on the bench by themselves, and the lenses would be difficult to fit with the wing in the cradle. The plans include very detailed instructions to shape the landing light lenses. The first thing I did was completely cover the lenses, inside and out, with painters tape to keep the lenses from scratching while I worked on them. The tape also gave me a good surface to draw on as I measured and drew the various cut lines. The plastic cutting wheel on the Dremel worked really well to cut the lenses (I think they are acrylic). The wheel melts the material a bit when cutting, and it kicks up a lot of small and sharp particles; so gloves and eye protection are required. It probably wouldn't hurt to wear a mask, either…but I elected not to do that.

After cutting the lenses with the Dremel, I fine-tuned the cut lines with 150 grit sandpaper followed by a pass with 220 grit sandpaper to smooth the edges of the lenses. I also used the sand paper and a plastic blade on my edge deburring tool to remove the sharp edges and round them slightly.
[Dremel with Plastic Cutting Wheel and 220 Grit Sanding Disk, 150 Grit Sandpaper, 220 Grit Sandpaper, Painters Tape, Hole and Edge Deburring Tools]

Final Prep (Dimple, Countersink, and Shape)
8/22/22 – 2.3h
The final-shaped lens is re-installed into the landing light cut-out to match-drill the lens to the pre-drilled #30 holes in the skin around the cut-out. The lens is then removed to final drill #27 the holes in the skin and the holes in the lens. After deburring all of the holes, the skin is dimpled with a #6 Dimple Die, and the lens is prepared with a #27 countersink to fit the dimple. It turns out the lens material is pretty easy to drill and countersink with the correct bits and with the part held firmly in place.

There is one change to the plans, which say to match-drill #27 the holes in the landing light lens. Given that the holes in the skin have already been countersunk in the previous step, there is no way to match drill the lens. Instead, I final-drilled the lens.
[#30 Plexi-Bit, #27 Drill, #27 Countersink and Countersink Cage, Palm Drill, Pneumatic Squeezer with #6 Screw Dimple Die]

The final assembly steps, attaching the lenses to the wings for the last time, will come after I've installed the landing lights and I'm ready to close up the landing light bay. Until then, there is too much potential to damage the lenses and they are safer on the shelf. I tried to get all of the hardware together for the final assembly steps, and I noticed the wing kit does not come with the AN507C632R6 screws called out in the plans. I reviewed the wing inventory sheets several times, and could not find the screws listed. The kit comes with AN507-6R6 screws, which are used for the wing tips and nav light lenses, but are not the correct screw for the landing light lenses. I will have to order some and pack them away with the landing light lenses.
[Screwdriver, Double-Sided Tape]

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